Promoliv Syrup

For Liver Re-Generation

PROMOLIV Syrup stimulates and regularizes liver function and promotes bile secretion. PROMOLIV protects liver from damage likely to be induced by water, food (pesticides, adulteration), pollutants and drugs used for the treatment, particularly in children. PROMOLIV regenerates the liver and prevents liver damage due to acute or chronic liver diseases and damage due to toxic drugs and alcohol. It helps to assimilate bile secretion in helping digestion and fat metabolism.

INDICATION : Fatty enlarged liver, cirrhosis of the liver, alcoholism, jaundice, convalescence, anorexia, growth failure, sluggish liver, and supplement to any therapy for any illness as prophylaxis, against liver damage and help the effectiveness of any treatment with any drug.

ACTION: Promotes the appetite. Stimulates the liver function. Relieves constipation and promotes the digestion.